Program 426: American Lighthouses; Skyfaring; Travel Tales; the Longbow
Release Date: 12-05-2015
Learn about some of America's most interesting lighthouses to visit — or even slumber in. Then hear from an experienced pilot about why the view from a 747 never gets old. And listen in as we consider the longbow's influence on the balance of power in medieval Europe.
- Theresa Levitt, author of "A Short Bright Flash" (W. W. Norton)
- Mark Vanhoenecker, author of "Skyfaring" (Knopf)
- Mark Seymour, tour guide and historian based in Brittany
Related Links
- Theresa Levitt's book "A Short Bright Flash: Augustin Fresnel and the Birth of the Modern Lighthouse" is published by W. W. Norton.
- A guide to lighthouses with bed and breakfast accommodations in the US, Canada, Europe and elsewhere.
- The Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse is the tallest in Florida, and is located ten miles south of Dayton Beach.
- Mark Vanhoenacker's Skyfaring website includes an example from his book that describes a trip from London to Tokyo, from the pilot's perspective.
- Mark Vanhoenacker's book "Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot" is published by Knopf, and was reviewed in the New York Times.
- A list of humorous aviation waypoint designations is on the Flying with Fish blog.
- Tour guide and historian Mark Seymour's website is called "A Foot in Britain."